New itinerary

New itinerary

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Eden, Australia

I am saving myself for Sydney.  I didn’t get off the ship.  In looking back on previous travels, I have been in Eden. It was memorable because we had been craving fried chicken and in this tiny town was a southern fried chicken restaurant! They treated us like royalty. 

So this year Michael went on an adventure. Today we were in Eden, Australia.  This isn’t a very big town, but it is one of the three towns, along with Merimbula and Peramula that make up Australia’s Sapphire Coast. The principal industries here are wood chips (which are all shipped to China) and oysters. Everywhere you see a lake you see an huge oyster farm.

Oyster farm 

Michael went on the ship’s included tour which was interesting, but certainly not exciting. The first stop was in Merimbula where they got to walk through the town. The most interesting thing there was to go into the Woolworths which is not the Woolworths of old. It’s now a grocery store, but a very nice one.  They next went to Peramula where they walked through the town and Michael treated himself to a caramel milkshake, which he said was very good.

The highlight of the tour was back in Eden where they visited the killer whale museum.  Most people are under the mistaken impression the killer whales are called that because of their predilection to harm people. That’s not the case at all. Killer whales were used by whalers in the 18th and 19th century to herd much larger whales into a bay where the whalers could then kill them, and give the killer whales the delicacy that they craved—like lips. It was a very large museum, which included a complete skeleton of an orca whale and lots of other neat artifacts. At that point, it started to rain, and Michael went back to the ship. 

Orca skeleton 

Whale museum 

Great Cormorant