New itinerary

New itinerary

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Sydney, Day 2

The best laid plans … fell apart. The plan was six of us were going to go to Paddy’s market in Chinatown and one by one each couple said they were too tired to go. If it wasn’t for the fact that we were trying to find my medication, I don’t think I would’ve gone either. The weather today was hot and muggy.  I don’t ever remember sweating as much as I did today. 

Late last night the ship was moved from Circular Key to White Bay. We have to take a water shuttle to get into town. So we left at 9:30 and like last time we were here they made us walk four times as long as we needed to because they wouldn’t open up one gate. So that’s a half mile before we ever get anywhere. If you get the idea that I’m complaining, I am. Anyway, we get over to Kings wharf and we are walking toward where the pharmacy was that I went to yesterday to see if I can get the second prescription filled. Maps are very deceiving. It was uphill both ways, ha ha ha but it was quite a ways to walk and we get there and the pharmacist on duty said no can-do. You have to go get an Australian doctor to write the prescription. So we will try again, probably in Bali. 

After that failed attempt, we went and hopped on the tram to go up to Chinatown where Paddy’s market is located. We walked through the market, which is more like the flea market, but with new stuff. Michael bought some socks and I bought a water bottle holder. The market is inside and there’s no air-conditioning and it was very hot and there was nothing else for us to look at so so we went and had lunch at a dim sum restaurant. It was very good and we enjoyed it, and it also had air conditioning. 

It was time to head back.  We hopped on the tram and got close to where we needed to go but this time I’m pretty much dragging fanny.  I had suggested we take a taxi. Oh no, Michael said it’s not that far besides, it’s downhill. Big Whoop.  We got on a water shuttle to return to the ship in Whites Bay where the ship is docked, and again had a walk that ridiculous route to get back to the ship. All totaled, we walked over 3.3 miles today.  3 miles yesterday and 3 miles today and I am feeling it. I am totally exhausted and I’m thankful that tomorrow is a sea day.

And no one misses the sailaway from Sidney Harbour. The open decks were packed with people taking snapshots of the iconic landmarks here. It is always a magical occurrence, especially going under the Sydney Harbour Bridge. You could see people walking on the bridge waving to us as we waved up to them.  Goodbye Sydney, hopefully we will see you again.

Luna Park

Walking the bridge 

Another view of the opera house