New itinerary

New itinerary

Monday, January 22, 2024

Day 5 at Sea

Some folks have wondered why I haven’t posted a new blog entry. Some folks were wondering if we were coming home to deal with the damage to our home.  Today is the fifth of 5 sea days before we reach Bora Bora.  There’s not much to talk about on sea days. 

Let me say that I had thoughts about coming home from LA and from Honolulu, but I dismissed them for several reasons. First reason is that we have no home to come home to and there’s absolutely nothing we can do. Touchmark is taking care of everything and hopefully when we return home, we will have a new house. 

Second, I am experiencing increasing pain, and if I was to go home, I would still have to wait several months to get an MRI. And if I was to go home, I have no home. So I’ve decided to stay on the ship. Yes, my days are a struggle but it’s better to keep going. Once I get moving, the pain gets better. I have my knitting classes in the morning and usually play bridge in the afternoon so that takes my mind off of things.  Plus, Michael has been a big help with me dealing with all this pain. The worst part is that I don’t sleep because of the pain. OK, enough of me being on the pity pot.

I really enjoy your notes from home. It’s important to stay connected to the people you care about so keep them coming, even if you have nothing to say.

So it’s not all doom and gloom. We had a crossing the equator party, where those who have never crossed the equator by sea have to go through a ritual from becoming pollywogs to shellbacks. You have to appease Neptune, king of the sea, by kissing the fish. It’s a real hokey ritual but it’s a lot of fun. People jump in the pool as punishment for all their sins. I didn’t get any pictures myself so I borrowed these.

There’s been some good entertainment. We’ve had a classical Spanish guitar player from Australia, and a very good singer from the West End.  I have chosen to skip the magician because I’ve seen him several times, and his act is not changed one bit.

I have an appointment today to have my hair cut on the ship. Keep your fingers crossed that they don’t screw it up too bad.

Well, that’s all the news that’s fit to print from the Viking Neptune. After 5 sea days, we finally land at Bora Bora.